EU Ukraine

Education and work information for Ukrainians and EU countries

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ukraine citizen    Eu employer

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the European Union has received about 6 million people seeking protection in the Member States. This critical situation requires immediate and exceptional measures in several policy areas, extending beyond emergency action such as providing shelter within the European Union, to facilitating and ensuring their smooth integration and temporary residence. Member States – and in particular neighbouring countries such as Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania – are receiving a high influx of Ukrainians fleeing the war. See the ETF updated report on the impact of the invasion on people and education.

Invoking the Temporary Protection mechanism under Directive 2001/55/EC,  the temporary protection status helps Ukrainians find shelter within the European Union, acquiring instant rights to live and work within the EU while having access to social service benefits like housing and medical care.

Access to work and education requires both support to Ukrainians now in the EU to have their skills and qualifications recognised and an understanding by people in the EU of Ukraine’s education and training system and qualifications.

Information for Ukrainian citizens:

  • Continuing and accessing education and training in the EU Member States
  • Finding work in the EU
  • Get recognition of your qualifications and skills in the EU

Each section has sub-sections with relevant content. The information is provided for each EU member state. Click the image Are you a Ukrainian citizen? above.

Information for authorities, schools/colleges/universities, and employers in the EU Member States which work with the Ukrainian citizens:

  • Ukraine’s education and qualification system
  • Qualifications, standards, and programmes
  • Individual credentials and accredited providers
  • Background information on Ukraine’s labour market and migration
  • EU support to Member States receiving Ukrainians

Each section has sub-sections with relevant content. Click the image Are you from EU Member State? above.

In the framework of the Creating New Learning initiative, the ETF has launched an emergency call for learning and training resources.

You can find all reports from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the education situation and Ministry activities since March 2022 here.


Anastasiia Lisovyk, the Ukrainian living in Spain
Anastasiia Lisovyk, the Ukrainian living in Spain


I am keen on searching information and used to often help my friends when they asked me “Where to go for studies abroad? Which country is better?” before the war started.


After arriving to Spain in 2022, I was looking information for myself and wanted to help a friend to find where and how to study in Spain, what opportunities are available for Ukrainian refugees in the country. It was not easy, the sources are scarce and are mostly in Spanish. So, when I came across page for Ukrainians at ETF, I was fascinated.  A lot of information in one place, many countries, structured into sections. The best was that I found information about other countries too, so could help the friends who fled Ukraine for France, Italy and Austria. Some sources were familiar, but many – completely new. Later, when I started to thinking about employment in Spain, I came back to the platform to find the steps and procedures to recognize a Ukrainian diploma in Spain.


Thanks to the platform, I found the access to Public Employment Service of Spain, with information about professions, required qualifications, potential employers, opportunities of further education.

Now I am preparing the application to employers and the section "How to present your skills and qualifications" was guiding me in the process. I know that getting employed in a foreign country is challenging. But Ukraine Information Hub is my navigator, colleague, and friend in this process.


Education for Ukrainian refugee children in Germany – 2022/23

A year has passed since we talked to Anna Osti, who works with Ukrainian refugee children in Germany (see her story in Learning Connects #6). How did this year go for her and her young students from Ukraine? What was most prominent, challenging, and interesting?

Let us ask Anna! 

Anna Osti, teacher of German from Ukraine, Realschule Landsberg, Germany
Anna Osti,
teacher of German from Ukraine,
Realschule Landsberg, Germany

What was most challenging?

Over the past academic year, I worked at the “Brückenklasse” (Bridge class) for Ukrainian children in Realschule Landsberg. At the beginning of the year, we faced some difficulties, especially with discipline, but I admire how the children gradually overcome these difficulties and showed amazing adaptability.

How did your young students adapt to learning in Germany? What can you share about their results?

During the school year, half of the students were transferred to regular German classes, as they demonstrated an acceptable level of performance in German, mathematics, and English. This is a good result! The rest of the students continued their education in the Ukrainian class, and I am pleased to note that they are becoming more active in the classroom, and that the overall discipline has improved markedly.

In addition to teaching in the Bridge class, I run a YouTube channel dedicated to the integration course tutorial, and I am happy to report that the number of subscribers to the channel is constantly growing. I observe that children achieve excellent results and successes – not only at school, but also in other areas. For example, I am proud of an eight-year-old Ukrainian girl who won first place in a gymnastics competition.

The process of adaptation is different for each person. Some face difficulties they cannot overcome and decide to return to familiar surroundings, while others show determination and achieve impressive results.

Do you have any young family member studying in Germany or other EU countries?

I am currently helping to arrange the relocation of my 14-year-old niece so that she may get general education in Germany. We see this as an opportunity for her to learn the language and receive quality education, though her parents’ relocation is currently not an option.

What sources of information do you, your students, and their parents use to find out about learning opportunities for the future?

Timely, correct, and efficient information is very important. Information support is strong in Germany. Schools, social offices, special services for Ukrainians and other refugees help to navigate and find one’s way in the country, where many things, including education, are different from Ukraine.

Last year I discovered ETF Ukraine Information Resource Hub and found resources, including on Germany, that I did not know of even after living in the country for many years. So, if my students’ parents ask for information on learning trajectories, career guidance or professions, I advise them to consult the hub among other resources.

What would you say to your students and to Ukrainian students living and studying out of Ukraine?

Getting an education in another country, even under such difficult circumstances, opens up additional opportunities for professional and personal growth, which can be key in shaping the successful future I heartily wish for them.

SURVEY: Tell us about your experience of recognition of qualifications (diploma) in EU countries

Recognition of qualifications is an important, sometimes, crucial factor in entering a labour market in a foreign country. Many Ukrainians have started or completed this process in the countries where they received temporary protection. Can you tell us about your experience? This might help other Ukrainian citizens to go through this process more quickly and more successfully!

We invite you to participate in the survey!